Sunday, March 22, 2009

HARD TO TREAT DISEASES (HTDS) Influenca Vaccine (MEVAC-FLU) Enters Chilean Market

SHENZEN, China, March 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Hard to Treat Diseases (HTDS) is pleased to announce that the first batch of Influenca Vaccine (MEVAC-FLU) entered Chilean market. The company will also attend the tender of 2.5 million doses of influenza vaccine for Chile in 2009.
Terry Yuan CEO of HTDS said, "After two years of hard work, we have finished the registration of the influenza vaccine in Chile. The ISP (Instituto De Salud Publica de Chile) issued the GMP certificate to our plant after a strict inspection in June, 2008. In Dec. 2008, we obtained the registration certificate successfully. Now, in Feb.2009, we have exported the first lot of 25,000 units of influenza vaccine (Brand name: Mevac Flu) to Chile. This is the first time for Chinese influenza vaccine to enter the Chilean market. We see this as a good opportunity to open up the South American market for us as a company.

"The Chilean government has a tender project each year for influenza vaccine of 1.5-2.7 million doses. This is a free vaccination for the elder people. In Sep. 2009, Mellow Hope will participate to bid the tender of 2.5 million doses. Since the first lot is being used by the local people, once the vaccine is well-approved, it will be helpful for Mellow Hope to bid the tender."

The company will provide further details as they become available.

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CONTACT: For medical and scientific dialogue inquiry only, please contact Andrea Zecevic Hbsc. Msci via e-mail at Andrea Zecevic obtained her degrees at the University of Toronto Canada. Andrea Zecevic is the company's Chief Project Scientist, R&D and the Chief Liaison Director between the China and Serbia operating subsidiaries. For any corporate matters, readers should contact the company directly at

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